Tag: daycare

Preschoolers Learn Letters

What Is Early Learning?

As a parent, there are lots of things you will already be doing to help your child prepare for school. Early learning is just one more way you can give your child the best head start possible. But what is early learning, what activities are involved and who does it apply to?   What Is…
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Mother And A Little Girl Hugging A Teddy Bear Toy

What To Pack For Childcare

Dropping your child off at childcare for the first time – or even the 100th time! – can be stressful. After all, you want to make sure that they are happy and safe whilst you’re apart. To make the process a little easier, it’s helpful to know exactly what to pack for them so they…
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Parent And Child Talking Before Going To Daycare School

How To Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety

When you drop your child off at daycare only to have them become emotional or even hysterical, your child could be experiencing separation anxiety. While it’s a normal feature of childhood development, separation anxiety can be worrying or stressful. Here are some helpful tips on how to recognise and manage your child’s separation anxiety at…
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Toddler In Child Occupational Therapy Doing Sensory Playful Exercises

Why Is Sensory Play Important For Child Development?

From an early age, children learn about their surroundings using their five senses, allowing them to get a better understanding of their environment. It’s important to provide children with sensory play experiences at an early age to help with their brain development. In this article, we’re going to find out what sensory play is and…
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Parent And Child Going To Daycare Together

Six Tips To Ease Your Child Into Daycare

Whether it’s their first time being away from you or you are just transitioning to a new facility, there are many challenges to introducing a toddler to daycare. The process can be difficult for both parents and children, and it can cause life to feel disrupted. Fortunately, there are things you can do to ease…
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