Tag: child development

Little Boy Playing With A Musical Instrument

Why Is Childcare Beneficial To A Child’s Growth And Development?

As parents, one of the most significant decisions we make is how to provide the best care and education for our children during their formative years. Childcare, often seen as a practical solution for working parents, is a vital foundation for a child’s overall growth and development. Exploring the Impact of Early Learning on Child…
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Mother With Her Son To The Childcare Centre

What To Expect In Your Child’s First Week Of Childcare

Stepping into a new environment can be a daunting experience, especially for little ones embarking on their early learning journey. The first week at an early learning centre is a whirlwind of exploration, adjustment and growth for both children and parents. In this blog, we’ll guide you through what to expect in the initial week,…
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A Play-based Learning

The Importance Of Play In Child Development

When talking about play, the first thing that comes to mind is often the joyous laughter of children, the colourful sprawl of toys and the imaginative worlds they create. It’s easy to dismiss these moments as simple fun, but they are the building blocks of a child’s growth and development. Play is not just about…
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Toddlers Girls Play Logical Toy

How To Teach Your Toddler To Be More Responsible

In the formative years of a child’s life, values and character traits are ingrained that lay the groundwork for their future behaviours. One of the core values that most parents and caregivers strive to inculcate is responsibility. Teaching toddlers the essence of responsibility can pave the way for them to become accountable, thoughtful individuals in…
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Little Boy Receiving His School Bag

What Is School Readiness?

At age four or five, your child will be ready to make the transition to primary school education. But whilst they might be old enough to attend, are you certain that they are mentally prepared? If you aren’t confident in your child’s “school readiness” and want some guidance on what they need to know before…
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Group Of Children Enhancing Their Social Skills

Teaching Emotional Intelligence In Early Childhood

As parents or carers, we’re aware of the weight our actions carry, which can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on us to be perfect around our children. But raising a child isn’t about showing them how to be perfect – after all, that’s impossible. It’s about teaching them that not everything will always go…
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Preschoolers Learn Letters

What Is Early Learning?

As a parent, there are lots of things you will already be doing to help your child prepare for school. Early learning is just one more way you can give your child the best head start possible. But what is early learning, what activities are involved and who does it apply to?   What Is…
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Mother And A Little Girl Hugging A Teddy Bear Toy

What To Pack For Childcare

Dropping your child off at childcare for the first time – or even the 100th time! – can be stressful. After all, you want to make sure that they are happy and safe whilst you’re apart. To make the process a little easier, it’s helpful to know exactly what to pack for them so they…
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Parent And Child Talking Before Going To Daycare School

How To Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety

When you drop your child off at daycare only to have them become emotional or even hysterical, your child could be experiencing separation anxiety. While it’s a normal feature of childhood development, separation anxiety can be worrying or stressful. Here are some helpful tips on how to recognise and manage your child’s separation anxiety at…
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Toddler In Child Occupational Therapy Doing Sensory Playful Exercises

Why Is Sensory Play Important For Child Development?

From an early age, children learn about their surroundings using their five senses, allowing them to get a better understanding of their environment. It’s important to provide children with sensory play experiences at an early age to help with their brain development. In this article, we’re going to find out what sensory play is and…
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